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Jewel Cocktail 是一个可定制的时尚珠宝系列,可帮助您在时尚界创造自己的个人风格。 适合每个人的独特、专属的风格。

您可以在世界各地一秒钟内改变您的风格。 采用特殊的磁性专利技术,将艺术与时尚相结合,带出属于自己的前卫和现代风格。 从种类繁多的嵌件中进行选择,您可以轻松地打造个性单品或无缝添加到您的日常造型中。
Jewel Cocktail 项目可以是身份的象征、令人难忘的礼物或您风格的标志。 Jewel Cocktail 珠宝让您的个性大放异彩,展现您最好和独特的自己。 Jewel Cocktail 为每个人打造专属珠宝。

我们致力于激励每个人表达自己的个性。 用自己的安排和选择创造一件独特的珠宝。 释放你的创造力,表达你自己。 让自己从社会、家庭、舆论的压力中解脱出来,真正做到独一无二、独立。

To inspire everyone to express their individuality. Create a unique piece of jewelry with your own arrangement and choice. Let your creative power out, express yourself. Let yourself be free from the pressure of society, family, public opinion and be truly unique and independent.

One base +changing inserts

Inserts in Jewel Cocktail can be swapped between different pieces of jewelry: bracelets, ring, pendants, earrings in womens collection or bracelets and cufflinks in mens collection. The base of our jewelry is made of silver S925 and 18k gold. Here we present our silver collection. Set your imagination free with a huge range of inserts. Choose from natural stones, silver, wood, gilding and other unique materials to create your own one-of-a-kind jewelry. Silver collection includes two craftmanship styles: brushed silver and black plated silver. Each product already goes in a combination of 3 different inserts. You also can add more inserts depending on your liking. Make your own unique collection.